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So Nice to Meet You!

My name is Bonita and I love writing and singing in several languages and translating interesting texts from Dutch into English. I grew up with both these languages and they live side by side in my head.

~ I Work With ~

I’ve always been a writer, and I’m publishing a little of my writing here, because writing and translating are very much intertwined, and getting a glimpse of my writing may help an author see if we could be a good match for a translation project. The author and the translator are a good match when the translator can get into the author’s mind and convey their feelings accurately in the other language and in that other culture. There are so many layers of meaning that constantly get examined when we translate stories, whether they are truth or fiction. For literary translations, fiction or non-fiction, the author and the translator ideally have an open line of communication, and time and energy to discuss details, and in the final phase also with a third pair of eyes in the form of an editor/proofreader who only works in the target language. In this way, every translation project becomes a co-creation, more than a translation; a transcreation. The other option would be to get the text translated, then send it to an editor to do the rest of the work.

Multinational Companies

I also do translations for multinational companies that have their main office in the Netherlands and need their internal communications translated into English for, e.g. their New York and Hong Kong branches. During Covid and all the changes and challenges that entailed for all employees and management, the right mood needed to be struck for the various kinds of communications. And they needed to be translated with sensitivity, accuracy and sometimes humor. And it turned out that this is my super-power as a translator: I can feel the mood of the author as they express it in Dutch and then convey that in English.

Healing Arts Practitioners

Another area I excel in is Marketing for Healing Arts Practitioners: Your marketing content professionally translated from Dutch to English is an important part of your professional online image. Even though you speak fluent English and have no problem conversing with your clients in English, your written material needs to be of the highest caliber. Take it from a professional: it’s worth it!